Don’t Believe in What Millionaires Say About Failing
We’ve all heard about how millionaires giving advice especially to young people about getting rich and how to earn 6–7 figures and that journey to being rich should start with failing. This is wrong for most of the people on earth. Not everybody has the finances or the time to fail until you become successful. It is too risky and when you lose everything, you won’t even have a life to live.
I am coming from a country where not everything is cheap. Life is expensive and so, earning money is not easy. High inflation, bad economy, and things like that. In a country like this, which, most of the people are living in a situation like this, it is not easy to lose thousands of dollars trying to succeed in something. I always see millionaires, mostly self-made, saying that they lost 10,000$, 5,000$ to become who they are today. This is just ridiculously funny. Who can afford to lose 10,000$? Only the ones that come from a rich background, well, guess what? Nearly 99% of the population doesn’t come from a rich background and they don’t dare to lose 10,000$ just to earn a couple of bucks.
Money often costs too much. — Ralph Waldo Emerson
But, why do these people mention about losing money every time they come up with the word “failure?” Failure is not about losing money, failure is about learning to be successful. Failure can come in many ways, this could be trying something new but failing to do it or something that you tried in order to be successful but you couldn’t. Failure isn’t losing thousands of dollars. Not everyone can do that.
Being successful on losing money is not the key.
What they say is just like playing gamble. I mean, you can lose and you can win. That is right about businesses, yes, but if I was rich enough to play gamble with an amount of money like that, why would I pursue to be successful in the first place? Millionaires who were able to spend thousands of dollars in their way to becoming successful doesn’t know this side of life.
But if you don’t fail how are you going to be successful? I am not saying that you can be successful without failure, I am just saying that failure is a necessity but losing money doing it is not. You can always lose & fail by not losing that kind of money. You have to be aware of that. Our (not the %1) failure can be less than them. We need to invest in ourselves, we need to pay for books, courses and everything that can teach you something, this way you can have more chances of becoming successful, practice comes later.
An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. — Benjamin Franklin
I have failed a lot. I have started a lot of things. Instagram & YouTube pages, got rejected tons of times from different jobs and many more things that I can even remember now. But with all this failure, I didn’t lose a single dime, I got the experience I needed, I got the failure that gave me the motivation to move forward and come up with new ideas, I have shaped my future and act according to it. What would a thousand dollars of failure give me something different? Nothing. It would give me the same experience, the same feeling. Why would I lose a thousand dollars that I hardly earned for nothing? Because a popular millionaire said so? I don’t think so.
Everything that leads you to your dreams has a failure phase, I agree with that as I stated above but there are two differences which I’d like to call them; normal failure and popular failure. Normal failure is the one that I experienced. Without losing too much money that I hardly earned and still gained the same experience and maybe even more than what popular failure does. Popular failure is the ability to lose thousands of dollars into something that you don’t even know. You lose money while you are learning it. This is just nonsense. Would you buy random stocks that are worth a hundred thousand dollars just to learn what the stock market is like? I don’t think so. Would you buy the most expensive coffee in your first try of coffee? No. It is the same thing, you learn how the market works and then you invest, by the time you get professional about it, you won’t lose that kind of much and even if you do, you are probably earning some bucks to cover your losses. This is how it all works. How it should work.
What we really want to do is what we are really meant to do. When we do what we are meant to do, money comes to us, doors open for us, we feel useful, and the work we do feels like play to us. — Julia Cameron
To sum up, don’t be greedy and spend thousands of dollars just because most of the millionaires said so. They might have had the money and the power to do all that but most of us don’t. We don’t get to just throw money into the garbage to get some experience and failure. You can always fail, but you should do it in ways that won’t affect your life as much as losing money on it. There are many ways to do that, focus on that, not the lies that are told by millionaires. Believe in yourself of failing without losing money. This is who you are, you have to accept it.