REIT vs Rental Property: Best Real Estate Investment — Decent Finance Life

Which option is better for your real estate journey?

Atahan Aslan
10 min readApr 12, 2024

Real estate is a big part of reaching personal financial goals, and some investors prefer real estate over other investment methods. As a real estate investor, you have a lot of choices with real estate. The most popular ones are classic rental properties and REITs. Should you invest in a rental property or a real estate investment trust (REIT)? What is the difference between REIT vs rental property?

“Investing in real estate comes with many paths. Whether you prefer a REIT for easy income or a rental property for a hands-on approach, both can help build wealth.”

The discussion of REIT vs rental property is not simple. There are many things to consider. Of course, you don’t have to invest in just one; you can do both, but that may reduce efficiency. It’s about fitting in with your financial needs and dreams. Both options have their benefits. Let’s see which is the best investment choice for you.

Key Takeaways

  • Knowing the difference between REITs and rental properties is key.
  • Your financial goals, market knowledge, and how much you want to be involved are important.
  • Choosing between REIT vs rental property impacts how much you manage and earn passively.
  • A real estate investment trust (REIT) can give you variety and easier cash access.
  • Investing in rental property lets you control a physical thing and might have tax perks.

Understanding Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

Real Estate Investment Trusts, or REITs, own real estate and let you invest in them easily through the company’s stock that owns real estate. REIT companies own and manage properties like office spaces and apartments. REITs are great for regular income. This is because they must give at least 90% of their income to shareholders legally in the United States. Other countries’ regulations might be different.

There are different REITs, including equity and mortgage REITs. Equity REITs own real estate, while mortgage REITs deal with financing. Investing in REITs helps you get into the commercial property market without the hassle of owning property directly. However, you have to choose the right REIT based on your investment profile.

Understanding Residential and Commercial Rental Properties

Investing in residential rental property means buying residential homes to rent out, like normal houses where families and individuals stay as renters. This option can give you easy cash each month, and the value of the property may go up. However, owners must handle maintenance and manage tenants themselves or involve an agency.

Commercial rental property investment is about leasing spaces to businesses. These are bigger buildings and are much more expensive to acquire. However, it can bring in more money and have longer leases than residential rentals. Yet, it requires more money to start and comes with risks like business downturns affecting tenants because you generally rent these places to one business, and if they decide to leave, you lose all the income.

REIT vs Rental Property: Two Popular Real Estate Ventures

As you can see, both REITs and rental properties are similar but with different benefits and disadvantages. That’s why comparing REIT vs rental property is really challenging, and you need to know what you want very clearly to make a good choice. This choice affects an investor’s money, how busy they are, and their control. Here’s a simpler breakdown of these two options.

  • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are companies that own and handle real estate and loans. They let you own real estate easily without managing properties yourself. REITs give good dividends. They must give out most of their earnings to shareholders each year. They are also much cheaper to enter than traditional real estate.
  • Rental Properties are more direct. You buy property to rent out. You might manage it or hire someone. This approach can give regular money and increase property value. Yet, it takes more time and may bring surprising costs. It is also extremely more expensive than REITs.

See the table at:

The choice between REIT vs rental property depends on what the investor wants and the capital they own. REITs have high liquidity and require less work with cheaper entry points.

Rental properties need more effort but can bring more rewards, and you have to spend more money on them because the entry capital is much higher. This comparison shows that both real estate investment s have unique benefits. It essentially boils down to your capital, willingness to borrow, and your investment profile.

Assessing Returns: Dividend Income from REITs vs Rental Cash Flow

In real estate investing, making steady money is key, and that is generally the reason why investors get into real estate. Investors look at REITs and owning rental properties on which one would give the best steady income without too much hassle and worth the money.

They compare to see which is better for regular money without much work compared to the capital they have to invest in. That’s why it’s also important to compare how each can make money and the challenges of owning rental properties.

The Appeal of REIT Dividends for Passive Income Stream

REITs make investing in real estate easy with no need to manage properties. REIT dividend income is great for getting money regularly. It’s because REITs own lots of properties, and you buy a share of the companies that own real estate. Investors get to make money from rentals without the hassle of running them.

Monthly Profits and Challenges of Rental Properties

Rental property profits might be higher. This comes from rental cash flow and property value going up. But, owning rentals can be hard because of all the maintenance and renter management. There are rental property challenges.

Owners have to manage their properties, fix things, and deal with tenants. This might not fit all investors’ goals or lifestyles. Making the choice depends on what you want financially and how much work you’re ready for. Some want steady dividends; others like owning real stuff. Knowing each option well helps investors pick what’s best for their money and time needs.

The Long-Term Investment Appeal: Growth and Appreciation

Understanding the true worth of an investment is important. It depends on how it does over time. Rental homes and REITs are good, and they are not just for quick money. They also grow in value as time goes by. This is what smart investors think about when they look ahead. They see the value in staying invested for a long time. Real estate is one of the best options for the long-term investment.

Asset Appreciation in Rental Properties

Rental homes tend to go up in value. This happens as more people want to live in good locations. When the demand goes up, so does the property’s value. This leads to a big profit for those who own the property. Here are some things that make rental homes more valuable:

  • Strategic location with development potential
  • Improvements and upgrades to the property
  • Changing demographics and increasing desirability

REITs and Long-Term Capital Growth Prospects

REITs are great for those who don’t want to manage properties. They are easy to invest in for the long term. They grow without you having to deal with the day-to-day. Here are some things that help REITs grow:

  • Expansion and diversification of the REIT’s portfolio
  • Overall market conditions affecting property sectors
  • Professional management driving operational efficiencies

REITs let you join the real estate market easily. They can grow your money just as well as owning property directly.

See the table at:

Comparing Levels of Involvement: Passive vs Active Investment

When you are investing, you have the option to choose passive or active income. This doesn’t change in the real estate world; you can go either the passive investment route or the active investment path. REITs and rental properties show this split well. Your choice affects your daily life and how you plan your investments.

Hands-Off Investing with REITs

Choosing REITs means you don’t have to manage things yourself. It’s all about passive investment. You get into real estate without dealing with the properties or tenants directly. Here are some things to think about if you’re considering REITs:

Direct Management: Upsides and Downsides of Rental Properties

Owning rental properties is a more active investment. It gives you control and could mean more money. Yet, it requires your time and effort. You’ll take care of finding tenants and fixing things. You can, of course, hire someone for these things, but you’ll still need to keep an eye on the holistic view.

Will this investment make money in the future, or is it losing money now when you count all expenses and income? You have to keep track of all these compared to REITs, where you don’t have to do anything.

Here’s a quick look at what this involves:

Financial Leverage and Tax Implications in Real Estate Investing

Real estate investing comes with some specific and niche financial benefits that other investment choices might not provide. These include financial leverage and smart tax implications. They relate to mortgage interest and property taxes. Knowing these factors well can improve your investment results.

Understanding the Impact of Mortgage Interest and Property Taxes

Using financial leverage through loans is popular when it comes to buying real estate. Generally, even if you have cash, it is most favorable to take out a mortgage. Mortgage helps investors buy properties with less of their own money. Yet, mortgage interest and property taxes can impact profits.

Using leverage in real estate boosts gains and risks, which are important to consider in terms of market conditions. Property taxes can change and impact cash flow. Wise investors keep this in mind. They make sure their real estate deals stay profitable in different markets.

The Beneficial Tax Deductions of Rental Properties

Rental properties come with tax deductions. They help lower taxes by deducting mortgage interest, property taxes, and other costs. This makes real estate more attractive.

To fully use these benefits, get advice from tax professionals. Being informed can really help you grow your wealth over time.

Real Estate Investment Strategies: Diversifying with REITs and Rentals

Well, I mentioned that you should choose one at the beginning, but that’s not completely true. It depends on your goals and involvement levels. Most REIT investors don’t choose to own physical real estate, and vice versa. However, I have to say that smart investors know how to mix different assets to lower risk. Real estate needs a mix of REITs and rental properties. This mix helps in changing markets and different investor needs.

Real estate and REITs can grow in value and make income. It helps balance the volatility of stocks and bonds. Having both REITs and rentals makes for a tougher, more flexible set of investments. REITs and rentals each have their own perks:

  • REITs let you own different real estate easily. They are like stocks and pay regular money.
  • Rentals let you directly manage properties. They can make more money and grow in value.


We’ve talked a lot about real estate investments. We looked at REIT vs rental property choices. We saw how REITs give easy income without much work. They help spread your investments, too. However, owning rental properties lets you control things and could increase their value.

The best investment choice depends on what you want and need. It’s different for everyone. If you like easy investments, REITs are great. They fit right into a mixed set of investments. If you like being in charge and want to work on your investment, rental properties are better.

So, whether you pick a REIT or a rental property depends on your own situation and dreams. Remember, investing in real estate has many sides. It needs careful thought and planning. You can mix both to lower the risks, but they will always be there.


What is a real estate investment trust (REIT)?

A real estate investment trust (REIT) is a kind of company that owns real estate and makes money off of those estates. By investing in REITs, people can own parts of different properties. They can also get money from dividends.

What are the different types of REITs?

REITs can be of different types, such as equity, mortgage, and hybrid REITs. Equity REITs deal with owning real estate. Mortgage REITs invest in loans for real estate. Hybrid REITs do a bit of both.

What are the benefits and challenges of investing in residential rental properties?

Owning rental homes can give steady rental money and a chance for property value to go up. However, it takes effort to deal with renters and keep up the property. This can be hard and time-consuming.

How do the potential returns of REITs and rental properties compare?

REITs pay you through dividends, while rental homes give monthly cash flow. Returns from rental homes rely on how full they are, rental price trends, and costs.

How hands-off are REIT investments?

REITs need less direct management from investors. The REITs handle managing properties and tenants. Yet, investors should keep an eye on the REIT’s performance.

How can rental properties provide beneficial tax deductions?

Rental homes let owners deduct costs like mortgage interest, taxes, insurance, and maintenance. These deductions lower taxable rental income, possibly reducing taxes.

How does real estate contribute to a diversified investment portfolio?

Real estate adds variety by offering a different risk and return than stocks or bonds. It can guard against inflation and provide both cash and a chance for value to grow. This reduces the overall risk in your investments.

How can combining REITs and rental properties create a balanced real estate approach?

Mixing REITs and rental homes in your investments gives both passive income and a chance for growth and cash. It makes a mix of easy and more hands-on real estate investments.

Originally published at on April 12, 2024.



Atahan Aslan

A writer who is passionate about startups and business that focuses on informing people about these subjects. Also publishes on