What Type of Star is the Sun? Our Life Source — Astronomy Explained

Do other Suns out there have life, as well?

Atahan Aslan
9 min readJul 27, 2024

Ever wondered about our Sun’s true nature? It’s the heart of our solar system, but how does it compare to other stars? For what we know right now, it is the only Sun in the entire universe that hosts a planet with a life on it in its orbit. This is pretty magnificent achivement in my opinion, don’t you think? That’s why it’s normal to wonder whether our Sun is a very different star, or is it just one of billions of stars out there? What type of star is the Sun — can there be same type of stars out there with life in its orbit? Let’s take a look at what type of star our Sun is.

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The Sun is a G-type main-sequence star, known as a yellow dwarf. It’s a massive ball of hot plasma, shining brightly for billions of years. Actually G-type stars are much more common than some other objects. For example, there are about 6 stars for every known brown dwarf within 26 light-years of us. But the Sun isn’t alone. It’s part of a diverse group of stars. Some stars, like the newly found brown dwarf near the red star SCR 1845–6357, are pretty different.

The Sun: G-Type Monster

Our Sun is really unique, a G-type star that lights up our solar system. It’s in a special group of stars known for being stable and supporting life. Stars like our Sun have surface temperatures between 5,300 to 6,000 Kelvin. The thing is, it’s amazing, but it’s definitely not even close to being unique. It’s rare, but it’s not unique. It’s one of billions of G-type stars in the same group.

It is housing the only planet that we know to have life, though. So this bears the question, can other G-type stars be housing a planet with life, too?

Characteristics of G-Type Stars

G-type stars are rare but special in the universe. Only about 76% of stars are cooler M-type red dwarfs, but G-type stars like our Sun are important too. They’re mostly made of hydrogen and helium, with some heavier elements. This mix gives them a yellowish-white color and a moderate temperature.

Our Sun is a G2V star. The ‘G2’ means it’s a certain temperature, and the ‘V’ means it’s a main sequence star. It’s about 4.6 billion years old, halfway through its 10-billion-year life. This makes it a steady energy source for our planet.

G-type stars like our Sun are vital in the universe. They form from gas collapsing together and live by turning hydrogen into helium in their cores. This process gives us the energy we need and helps make the heavy elements needed for planets and life.

The Sun’s Structure: Layers of Complexity

I’m always amazed by the Sun’s detailed structure. Our star is a wonder of the universe, with layers that work together to give us life. But what is the structure of the Sun? What makes up the Sun? We know the Earth (at least partially). If we understand its structure more in-depth, it may help us find other Suns.

The Core: Nuclear Fusion Factory

At the Sun’s center is its core, a hub of nuclear fusion. This area, making up about 25% of the Sun, is where the magic is. Here, the core turns about 600 billion kilograms of hydrogen into helium every second, making 4 billion kg of matter into energy. This process sends out the Sun’s radiation that moves through the Sun’s layers.

The Photosphere: The Sun’s Visible Surface

The photosphere is what we see when we look at the Sun. It has a surface with a temperature of about 5,772 K and is about 500 km thick. Sunspots, cooler areas with temperatures from 3000 to 4500 K, form here. These spots are key to the Sun’s cycles and affect its magnetic field and properties.

Chromosphere and Corona: Outer Atmospheres

Above the photosphere are the chromosphere and corona, the Sun’s outer layers. The chromosphere has temperatures from 4500–20,000 K and is 1600 km thick. The corona stretches 10 million km into space and can reach up to 1,000,000 K. These layers show unique features during solar eclipses and affect space weather.

The Sun’s Life Cycle: Past, Present, and Future

The Sun didn’t appear a few million years ago. It’s much older than our Earth and other planets in the Solar System. The Sun has been alive for billions of years, showing how stars change over time. How did the Sun form, though, and how does it look now? Is it an old star that is near to its death or does it have a lot more time to go? Because, we if it’s near it’s end, as humanity, we need to be seriously concerned.

Formation of Our Star

About 4.6 billion years ago, a part of a huge cloud collapsed, starting the Sun’s life. This collapse was the start of our solar system’s star. For about 100,000 years, the Sun was a protostar before it started fusing hydrogen in its core. This made it the star we know today.

Current State: Main Sequence Phase

Currently, our Sun is in its main sequence phase, a G-type star (G2V), also called a “yellow dwarf.” It’s busy turning about 600 million tons of matter into energy every second. The core, made of over 72% hydrogen, has nuclear fusion reactions to make helium.

The Sun is getting brighter by about 1% every 100 million years. Over the last 4.5 billion years, it has gotten 30% brighter. It will be 10% brighter in a billion years, which could make Earth’s climate like Venus’s.

The Sun’s Eventual Fate

In about 5.4 billion years, the Sun will run out of hydrogen and leave the main sequence. It will get bigger and might even swallow Mercury, Venus, and Earth. Then, it will have a helium flash, turning a big part of its core into carbon.

After that, the Sun will lose its outer layers, creating a planetary nebula. What’s left will be a white dwarf, mostly carbon and oxygen, that will cool for trillions of years. This is the end of the Sun’s life, showing the amazing changes it went through.

What Type of Star is the Sun?

Many people wonder what type of star the Sun is. As I also mentioned before in the introduction, The Sun is a G-type main-sequence star, also known as a yellow dwarf.

The Sun is mostly made up of hydrogen, which makes up about 74% of its mass. Helium makes up roughly 24%. The rest, about 2%, includes elements like oxygen, carbon, and iron. This mix is common for stars like the Sun and is key to how it makes energy.

The Sun is a giant energy source. At its core, temperatures hit a whopping 27 million degrees Fahrenheit, where nuclear fusion happens. The surface, or photosphere, is much cooler but still very hot at around 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit. These temperatures are what make the Sun the type of star it is.

The Sun is huge, with a diameter of about 864,000 miles. It’s much bigger than Earth. In fact, you could fit roughly 1.3 million Earths inside the Sun!

As a G-type star, the Sun is in its prime. It’s turning hydrogen into helium in its core. This process will go on for billions of years, making the Sun shine and giving energy to Earth.

Comparing the Sun to Other Stars

Looking at the Sun and other stars, we see how unique our star is. The Sun is huge, with a diameter of 864,000 miles, more than 100 times bigger than Earth. It’s considered an average-sized or dwarf star, among others.

Size and Mass in Perspective

The Sun looks huge to us, but some stars are much bigger. Supergiant stars can be thousands of times larger than our Sun. For instance, UY Scuti is huge, with a size 1,700 times bigger than the Sun and a mass of 25 Suns. UY Scuti is the biggest star in our Galaxy.

The Sun’s Place in the Milky Way

The Sun is special in many ways. It has a surface temperature of 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, which is hot but not the hottest. Its brightness changes every 11 years and is much less than some stars, like Betelgeuse. Yet, it shines about 12 trillion times brighter than the faintest star we can see from Earth.

Our Sun is about 4.5 billion years old and is halfway through its life, lasting 8–10 billion years. It’s a single star, unlike some that have companions, which affects Earth’s climate and light in special ways. These features make our Sun a standout in the Milky Way. We can also say that it’s the source of life in our Solar System — at least for Earth.


The first thing we learn in school about Earth and the Solar System is our Sun. It’s so important for our life here on Earth and for the entire Solar System. Planets would collapse and die without it. Every star that has a planet in its orbit is pretty much the same, but the Sun is different.

It’s a star, a G-type star that shines brightly but is different from others, a planet with life in its orbit. It’s incredible that this yellow dwarf is just one of many stars, yet it’s the only one with a planet like Earth.

The Sun’s inner workings are a wonder. At its core, temperatures soar over 27 million degrees Celsius. Here, hydrogen turns into helium, creating a massive amount of energy.

Our Sun has been shining for millions of years, a steady energy source. It makes deuterium and helium-3 in its core, sending out gamma rays. Light takes about 100,000 years to get from the core to the outer layers, but just a week to travel from there to the surface. This shows how complex and slow our star’s processes are.

Despite some stars destroying their planets, our Sun, Earth’s star, has kept its system stable, letting life thrive on Earth. Its magnetic field and solar flares play a big part in our planet’s weather. Knowing what type of star the Sun is, I am curious whether there are other G-type stars out there that can host life in its orbit or if we were just coincidence?


What type of star is the Sun?

The Sun is a G-type main-sequence star. We also call these types of stars a yellow dwarf. It has a surface temperature of about 5,772 K. This makes it a G2V star, meaning it’s a stable, middle-aged star.

What are the characteristics of G-type stars?

G-type stars are yellow-white stars that live for about 10 billion years. They have a surface temperature between 5,300 and 6,000 K. These stars are stable and can support planets that might be habitable.

What is the structure of the Sun?

The Sun has layers: the core, radiative zone, convection zone, photosphere, chromosphere, and corona. The core is where nuclear fusion happens, creating energy. The photosphere is what we see, and the chromosphere and corona are above it.

How did the Sun form, and what is its current state?

The Sun formed about 4.6 billion years ago. It formed from a collapsing molecular cloud. Now, it’s in its main sequence phase, turning hydrogen into helium in its core. This phase will last about 10 billion years.

What will happen to the Sun in the future?

In about 5 billion years, the Sun will run out of core hydrogen. It will expand into a red giant and lose its outer layers, becoming a white dwarf. This change will greatly affect the Solar System, making Earth uninhabitable.

Originally published at https://astronomyexplained.com on July 27, 2024.



Atahan Aslan
Atahan Aslan

Written by Atahan Aslan

A writer who is passionate about startups and business that focuses on informing people about these subjects. Also publishes on decentfinancelife.com

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